RAK Civil Engineers

RAK Engineers homepage screenshot

Project Overview

RAK Civil Engineers provide services based out of Fairfield, CA. With a recent ownership change, they were looking for a new website to showcase their services and upgrade from the old original site. They were referred to us for our website design and other digital marketing services.

RAK Engineers homepage screenshot

What We Did

A new website development was a good project for RAK Civil Engineers as it provided the perfect opportunity for RAK to detail their business plan and put it into a website. A new business start can be overwhelming so we were happy to help with the digital marketing side of their business plan.

Website Design & Maintenance

  • Hosting: We recommended the Managed WordPress hosting option at Techeffex Hosting for reliable service at an affordable price.
  • Design: The Avada theme for WordPress is our “go to” for web designs. It’s very well supported and provides a huge array of design options making development fast and affordable.
  • Technical SEO: All of our website designs are done with SEO in mind. Anyone starting a new site wants to be found by Google and the other search engines and we always get things off to a good start.


RAK Civil Engineers were very pleased with the design and continue to consult with Techeffex on all of their digital marketing questions.

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